The Dental Council of India was founded on April 12, 1949. The short form of the Dental Council of India is DCI. The headquarters of the Dental Council of India is in New Delhi. Moreover, many colleges are affiliated with DCI such as MBBS has 268, BDS has 313, PG Diploma has 9, and DH/DM has 10 colleges. Furthermore, the number of seats granted in the BDS course is 26949. Additionally, DCI is an authority to regulate Dental Education and Dentistry across India. Also, DCI is financed by the Government of India under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of the Department of Health. There are many Institute in India that provides a course in BDS represented by the General Body of the Dental Council of India. To regulate Dental education which includes infrastructure, seats, courses, and the establishment of a new college, for that purpose, DCI has made. DCI also has the power to increase the Medical seats if they saw high demand for Medical students in the future.
Dental Council of India Objectives:
The Dental Council of India has made many objectives which are mentioned below:
Guidelines for Institutes:
To maintain the rules and high standard of Education in Institutes, then the State, Union Territory has to follow the guidelines which we have mentioned below: